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This page is heavy WIP and missing a lot of endpoints from the newest torrust-index.


Some routes can only be accessed by logged in users. For these routes you have to send the token obtained in /user/login in the Authorization header as a bearer token.

For example:

Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJleGFtcGxlX3VzZXIiLCJleHAiOjE2MzIyNTQxNjZ9.kyugZXiR88q4n6Ze44HonazDp-sJdq886te9-XHthHg


Every route always returns a non 2xx status code for an error. If the error is caused by user input the status code will be in the 4xx range. Unrecoverable server errors return a 500 status code.

Every error contains a error message that is safe to display to an user. The body of an error should always look like this:

  "error": "<error message>"


GET /torrents

Get all torrent information of the listing with id, used for loading the data of the TorrentDetails page.

Optional query params:

Param Description Value Example
categories Included categories. Comma seperated list. ?categories=music,other,movies
search Search term. String. &search=bunny
sort Sorting and sort direction. uploaded_ASC, uploaded_DESC, seeders_ASC, seeders_DESC, leechers_ASC, leechers_DESC, name_ASC, name_DESC, size_ASC, size_DESC &sort=size_DESC


  • On success: Status 200.
  "data": {
    "total": 1,
    "results": [
        "torrent_id": 1,
        "uploader": "test",
        "info_hash": "bc03e1a08565f8f09bed7c10aad3e6e7771a88fc",
        "title": "Lucky.The.Labrador.IMG.PNG",
        "description": "",
        "category_id": 5,
        "upload_date": 1646783943,
        "file_size": 1710641,
        "seeders": 0,
        "leechers": 0

POST /torrent/upload

Upload a torrent file and create a torrent listing for it in the index.

Consumes a multipart form with the fields:

  • title: Title of the torrent listing.
  • description: A Markdown description.
  • category: Category this torrent fits in.
  • torrent: The torrent file itself.


  • On success: Status 200, returns id of the newly created torrent listing.
  "data": {
    "torrent_id": 1
  • On error: Standard error, see Errors

GET /torrent/download/<id>

Generate and download torrent file with a personal announce URL for the authenticated user.


  • On success: Status 200, Personalized .torrent file stream.
  • On error: Standard error, see Errors

GET /torrent/<id>

Get all torrent information of the listing with id, used for loading the data of the TorrentDetails page.


  • On success: Status 200.
  "data": {
    "torrent_id": 1,
    "uploader": "example_user",
    "info_hash": "5499b9f42b44fb61c937be5943a194adb7aa6278",
    "title": "Example torrent",
    "description": "## Some torrent title\n\nSome torrent text.\n\n---",
    "category_id": 1,
    "upload_date": 1631046870,
    "file_size": 15653809,
    "seeders": 0,
    "leechers": 0,
    "files": null
  • On error: Standard error, see Errors


GET /category

Get a list of existing categories.


  • On success: Status 200.
  "data": [
      "name": "app",
      "num_torrents": 0
      "name": "documentary",
      "num_torrents": 0
      "name": "game",
      "num_torrents": 0
      "name": "movie",
      "num_torrents": 1
      "name": "music",
      "num_torrents": 0
      "name": "other",
      "num_torrents": 0
      "name": "tv show",
      "num_torrents": 0
  • On error: Standard error, see Errors


POST /user/register

Register (sign-up) a new user account.

Example: POST /user/register


  "email": "",
  "username": "example_user",
  "password": "password",
  "confirm_password": "password"


  • On success: Status 200, with an empty body.
  • On error: Standard error, see Errors

POST /user/login

Login into an existing account.


  • login: Either the email or username of the account
  • password: password of the account

Example: POST /user/login


  "login": "",
  "password": "password"


  • On success: Status 200.
  "data": {
    "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJleGFtcGxlX3VzZXIiLCJleHAiOjE2MzIyNTQxNjZ9.kyugZXiR88q4n6Ze44HonazDp-sJdq886te9-XHthHg",
    "username": "example_user"
  • On error: Standard error, see Errors

GET /user/verify/<token>

Email verification handler.

On register an email is sent to the email address of the registered account with a link to this route to verify their email address.

Example: GET /user/verify/<token>


  • On success: Status 200.
Email verified, you can close this page.
  • On error: Error message as a string.
Token invalid.

DELETE /user/ban/<username>

Ban users.

Example: DELETE /user/verify/<username> Response:

  • On success: Status 200.
  "message": "User successfully banned!"
  • On error: Error message as a string.
  "error": "Could not find user."